Saturday, August 1, 2009


In one of the final nesting moves, we're getting ready to put the crib together for Baby Boy!, and place it here in the Studio/Office/Guest Room/Nursery/Exercise Pit. I need desperately to put together a video tour of our home and let you guys know what we're talking about when we mention the following:

1) The Fudge Factory
2) Kathaus die ganze Modernisierungsproblematik
3) The No-No Nook
4) Brousseau's Permanent Mark

Others, of course, but truly, this place is an interesting home layout we are bringing out baby to. Our cat, Lola Fay Cattaraugus Lott (named for her glamour and the 2 streets West of us), is all up in this place like she's on the lease, which she kind-of is, via cat deposit. But overall, we gots work to do here to make it baby-ready.

So hang in there a sec... pics to come along shortly.