Wednesday, March 11, 2009

12 Weeks, 2 Kinda Freaked Out People, 1 More Scan

Last week we got a much better ultrasound - and experience - from a new clinic.
With the constant repositioning of life overall, our health insurance only covers certain places for certain appointments at certain times on the Mayan calendar. Our first technician's scan, in the first/previous post, will now be recounted in this short play:

Interior - Doctor's Office - Day
Alicia is in a half-gown with ultrasound jelly smeared across her lower abdomen.
The Technician is staring at the screen and pushing buttons silently on a keyboard directly in front of herself. Geoff is on the opposite side of the room, trying to decipher what they are looking at, while the Technician stares at the screen and silently pushes buttons at random.

(to Technician)

Can you see anything?
Is that dark part the womb?


(heavy accent)

Nyo. Iut iuz... yizz, dis is voom.


Can you see anything in there?
Can you tell
us what we are looking at?

(3 seconds of silence, before...)
Voom. And baby. About 7 and a half veek.

She punches at more buttons for 10 minutes.
Alicia and Geoff leave after that.

So, that was that. Nothing really great about the experience.

This time was much different. Our tech was a bit older, more experienced, and made our first tech look like a wax figure of a thought. We joked a bit, got to hear the baby's heartbeat (157pbm!), and she showed us some great stuff. We watched the little Lott move around, and readjust its position from facing outward to rolling over to one side.

Alicia is looking lovely, despite her avoidance of mirrors. Her slight bump is being well tended-to, spoken-to, and rubbed regularly. She is going to be a gorgeous and glowing mother, sunkissed and only slightly grumpy. She's past most of the "What smells bad?" stage, which took hold slightly after we married. A walk around our local Farmer's Market yesterday tired her out, but the extra hour of sunlight is changing moods all over here.

Geoff is FOR the whole parenthood thing, even as many comics like to joke about being anti-kid and Down With Fatherhood! Yes, he is embracing the fact that he's got responsibilities to this child and his wife and will surely use it all for as much comedy as it can produce.

And to close it out, the latest pic of the newest Lott!
You can totally see how it's growing a sense of superiority... sniff... just like it's daddy.

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